
class d3m.primitive_interfaces.featurization.FeaturizationLearnerPrimitiveBase(*, hyperparams, random_seed=0, docker_containers=None, volumes=None, temporary_directory=None)[source]

Bases: d3m.primitive_interfaces.base.PrimitiveBase[[typing.Inputs, typing.Outputs, typing.Params], typing.Hyperparams]

A base class for primitives which transform raw data into a more usable form.

Use this version for featurizers that allow for fitting (for domain-adaptation, data-specific deep learning, etc.). Otherwise use FeaturizationTransformerPrimitiveBase.

docker_containers: Dict[str, d3m.primitive_interfaces.base.DockerContainer][source]

A dict mapping Docker image keys from primitive’s metadata to (named) tuples containing container’s address under which the container is accessible by the primitive, and a dict mapping exposed ports to ports on that address.

hyperparams: Hyperparams[source]

Hyperparams passed to the constructor.

logger: ClassVar[logging.Logger][source]

Primitive’s logger. Available as a class attribute. This gets automatically set to primitive’s logger in metaclass.

metadata: ClassVar[d3m.metadata.base.PrimitiveMetadata][source]

Primitive’s metadata. Available as a class attribute. Primitive author should provide all fields which cannot be determined automatically inside the code. In this way metadata is close to the code and it is easier for consumers to make sure metadata they are using is really matching the code they are using. PrimitiveMetadata class updates itself with metadata about code and other things it can extract automatically.

random_seed: int[source]

Random seed passed to the constructor.

temporary_directory: Optional[str][source]

An absolute path to a temporary directory a primitive can use to store any files for the duration of the current pipeline run phase. Directory is automatically cleaned up after the current pipeline run phase finishes.

volumes: Dict[str, str][source]

A dict mapping volume keys from primitive’s metadata to file and directory paths where downloaded and extracted files are available to the primitive.

class d3m.primitive_interfaces.featurization.FeaturizationTransformerPrimitiveBase(*, hyperparams, random_seed=0, docker_containers=None, volumes=None, temporary_directory=None)[source]

Bases: d3m.primitive_interfaces.transformer.TransformerPrimitiveBase[[typing.Inputs, typing.Outputs], typing.Hyperparams]

A base class for primitives which transform raw data into a more usable form.

Use this version for featurizers that do not require or allow any fitting, and simply transform data on demand. Otherwise use FeaturizationLearnerPrimitiveBase.

docker_containers: Dict[str, d3m.primitive_interfaces.base.DockerContainer][source]

A dict mapping Docker image keys from primitive’s metadata to (named) tuples containing container’s address under which the container is accessible by the primitive, and a dict mapping exposed ports to ports on that address.

hyperparams: Hyperparams[source]

Hyperparams passed to the constructor.

logger: ClassVar[logging.Logger][source]

Primitive’s logger. Available as a class attribute. This gets automatically set to primitive’s logger in metaclass.

metadata: ClassVar[d3m.metadata.base.PrimitiveMetadata][source]

Primitive’s metadata. Available as a class attribute. Primitive author should provide all fields which cannot be determined automatically inside the code. In this way metadata is close to the code and it is easier for consumers to make sure metadata they are using is really matching the code they are using. PrimitiveMetadata class updates itself with metadata about code and other things it can extract automatically.

random_seed: int[source]

Random seed passed to the constructor.

temporary_directory: Optional[str][source]

An absolute path to a temporary directory a primitive can use to store any files for the duration of the current pipeline run phase. Directory is automatically cleaned up after the current pipeline run phase finishes.

volumes: Dict[str, str][source]

A dict mapping volume keys from primitive’s metadata to file and directory paths where downloaded and extracted files are available to the primitive.