
A base class for hyper-parameters description for primitives can be found in the d3m.metadata.hyperparams module.

To define a hyper-parameters space you should subclass this base class and define hyper-parameters as class attributes. Example:

from d3m.metadata import hyperparams

class Hyperparams(hyperparams.Hyperparams):
    learning_rate = hyperparams.Uniform(lower=0.0, upper=1.0, default=0.001, semantic_types=[
    clusters = hyperparams.UniformInt(lower=1, upper=100, default=10, semantic_types=[

To access hyper-parameters space configuration, you can now call:

OrderedDict([('learning_rate', Uniform(lower=0.0, upper=1.0, q=None, default=0.001)), ('clusters', UniformInt(lower=1, upper=100, default=10))])

To get a random sample of all hyper-parameters, call:

hp1 = Hyperparams.sample(random_state=42)
Hyperparams({'learning_rate': 0.3745401188473625, 'clusters': 93})

To get an instance with all default values:

hp2 = Hyperparams.defaults()
Hyperparams({'learning_rate': 0.001, 'clusters': 10})

Hyperparams class is just a fancy read-only Python dict. You can also manually create its instance:

hp3 = Hyperparams({'learning_rate': 0.01, 'clusters': 20})

If you want to use most of default values, but set some, you can thus use this dict-construction approach:

hp4 = Hyperparams(Hyperparams.defaults(), clusters=30)
Hyperparams({'learning_rate': 0.001, 'clusters': 30})

There is no class- or instance-level attribute learning_rate or clusters. In the class definition, they were used only for defining the hyper-parameters space, but those attributes were extracted out and put into configuration attribute.

There are four types of hyper-parameters:

  • tuning parameters which should be tuned during hyper-parameter optimization phase

  • control parameters which should be determined during pipeline construction phase and are part of the logic of the pipeline

  • parameters which control the use of resources by the primitive

  • parameters which control which meta-features are computed by the primitive

You can use hyper-parameter’s semantic type to differentiate between those types of hyper-parameters using the following URIs:

Once you define a Hyperparams class for your primitive you can pass it as a class type argument in your primitive’s class definition:

class MyPrimitive(SupervisedLearnerPrimitiveBase[Inputs, Outputs, Params, Hyperparams]):

Those class type arguments are then automatically extracted from the class definition and made part of primitive’s metadata. This allows the caller to access the Hyperparams class to crete an instance to pass to primitive’s constructor:

hyperparams_class = MyPrimitive.metadata.get_hyperparams()
primitive = MyPrimitive(hyperparams=hyperparams_class.defaults())


Hyperparams class uses hyperparameter_name = Descriptor(...) syntax while Params class uses parameter_name: type syntax. Do not confuse them.