Register a Primitive

New primitives can be added to D3M structure in two different ways: using the method d3m.index.register_primitive(primitive_path, primitive) or adding the primitive with a d3m compatible entrypoint.

Registering a Primitive

For this example, the primitive RandomClassifierPrimitive will be added to the index.

from d3m import index as d3m_index
from test_primitives.random import RandomPrimitive

# Register primitive in local d3m index.
index.register_primitive('d3m.primitives.data_generation.random.Test', RandomPrimitive)

This method allows registering the primitive RandomPrimitive using the path locally d3m.primitives.data_generation.random.Test so it can be accessible from the d3m index.

Note: If the primitive is not installed, this code will need to be run at the beginning of every execution so the primitive can be loaded in the index.

Installing a Primitive

To install primitives, it is necessary to add entrypoints for every primitive to be exposed in the An example is shown below-

entry_points = {
    'd3m.primitives': [
        'primitive_namespace.PrimitiveName = my_package.my_module:PrimitiveClassName',

For a more elaborated example see common primitives.

Primitives D3M Namespace

The d3m.primitives module exposes all primitives under the same d3m.primitives namespace.

This is achieved using Python entry points. Python packages containing primitives should register them and expose them under the common namespace by adding an entry like the following to package’s

entry_points = {
    'd3m.primitives': [
        'primitive_namespace.PrimitiveName = my_package.my_module:PrimitiveClassName',

The example above would expose the my_package.my_module.PrimitiveClassName primitive under d3m.primitives.primitive_namespace.PrimitiveName.

Configuring entry_points in your does not just put primitives into a common namespace, but also helps with discovery of your primitives on the system. Then your package with primitives just have to be installed on the system and can be automatically discovered and used by any other Python code.

Note: Only primitive classes are available through the d3m.primitives namespace, no other symbols from a source module. In the example above, only PrimitiveClassName is available, not other symbols inside my_module (except if they are other classes also added to entry points).

Note: Modules under d3m.primitives are created dynamically at run-time based on information from entry points. So some tools (IDEs, code inspectors, etc.) might not find them because there are no corresponding files and directories under d3m.primitives module. You have to execute Python code for modules to be available. Static analysis cannot find them.

Primitives Discovery on PyPi

To facilitate automatic discovery of primitives on PyPi (or any other compatible Python Package Index), publish a package with a keyword d3m_primitive in its configuration:


**Note:** Be careful when automatically discovering, installing, and
using primitives from unknown sources. While primitives are designed
to be bootstrapable and automatically installable without human
involvement, there are no isolation mechanisms yet in place for
running potentially malicious primitives. Currently recommended way
is to use manually curated lists of known primitives.

See also the d3m.index module and its API.

Primitive Annotation

Once primitive is constructed and unit testing is successful, the final step in building a primitive is to generate the primitive annotation which will be indexed and used by D3M.

docker run --rm -v /home/foo/d3m:/mnt/d3m -it \
cd /mnt/d3m/example_primitive
pip3 install -e .
python3 -m d3m primitive describe -i 4 <primitive_name>

Alternatively, a helper script can be used to generate primitive annotations as well. This can be more convenient when having to manage multiple primitives. In this case, generating the primitive annotation is done as follows:

docker run --rm -v /home/foo/d3m:/mnt/d3m -it \
cd /mnt/d3m/example_primitive
pip3 install -e .
python3 ...

Blocklist Primitives